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Back in action – plus EXPO Richmond photos

So, I’ve been away for a bit, but now I am re-dedicated. Work has been holding me later and later with a big inspection breathing down our necks.

That being said, I posted the photos from EXPO Richmond 2012. For those of you who do not know, the The East Coast Sawmill and Logging Equipment Exposition in Richmond, Virginia is the largest trade show of its kind in the world and is managed by the best damn trade show manager in the world, my father, Mike Washko. I have been “helping” him run it for about 10 years now, and it is one of the best weeks of my life every time that it comes around on its bi-annual schedule. It’s an awesome show with awesome, down to earth, hardworking people – a humbling experience for sure. The show this year was May 18-19 and I was lucky enough to be able to take an entire week off to be there with my dad, Dave Paduda, Dale Clark, Grayson Goldman and all the people that make the logging and sawmill industries such great places, even if I am only visiting.

More to follow…


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You can also follow me on Twitter, as of 8:30 AM this morning.

I had no idea there was so much awesome inside the Twitter-sphere!

Hello world!

Well, I am finally up and running. About time too. Can you believe was already taken? It is! But it doesn’t appear to be used at all, so someone should take it and remake it into an awesome Washko website.

I will be putting up a lot of new sections soon, so stay tuned! This could be really interesting. For more information about me, visit the “About” section at the top of your screen.